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The Students will be tested on two grounds:

1. Thinking Ability
2. Imagination Power with Solution centric Approach

In order to test students on the above mentioned grounds, Pragma Futures developed two specific tools:

i.) Cognitive Tests with Psychological Evaluation: This test evaluates thinking skills rather than knowledge. It focuses on how effectively students apply their reasoning abilities to solve problems. Students will be presented with 20 questions covering areas such as logical reasoning and quantitative aptitude, where a basic understanding of previous class subjects is sufficient. Our team of psychologists will meticulously assess each response and provide a comprehensive report. 

ii.) Essay Writing & Drawing: This test assesses imagination and creativity, requiring no prior specific knowledge. It encourages students to explore multiple solutions to a single problem by writing an essay on a contemporary social topic and proposing their ideas. Inspired by the principle of Cogito, ergo sum ("I think, therefore I am"), Pragma fosters the ability to think critically and innovate beyond conventional boundaries.




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